Friday, May 28, 2010

Finally Remembering a Word That's Been on the Tip of Your Tongue

It's like throwing a pail of cold water on all our smoking inner head parts.  Gears unjam, lines start rolling, and you settle back in the restaurant booth with a satisfied smile on your face and just blurt it out.........

"Parcheesi, that's what it was called."


This is the jist of  "The Book of Awesome" and well worth the time to parouse.  A pick up book, a bathroom book; no need for a lot of time.  Open it up to any page and enjoy.  It took Neil Pasricha a year to gather all the awesomeness resting between two book boards, but it's there for you for a moment or longer as you choose. 

Now that's what I consider awesome.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Ongoing Saga or I Want a Blizzard..........

It's Almond Breeze time again.  To be truthful, I'd about given up on creating a 3-5 point yummy over the moon "Blizzard" until quite by accident there it was!  A Banana Mango, eat with a spoon concoction that equalled any real Blizzard.  Well..... that is if you wanted a fruity blizzard and not something full of bits of Scor bar and pecan clusters..............  This was amazingly thick and creamy and now one of my favorite all time  "I want something rich and creamy and tastes like it's full of calories (points) but isn't"  instant satisfiers. 

So here it is;  just look at how thick it is!  And it's even GOOD for you................

The Recipe:

1/2 a medium frozen banana  (peel  & break in half before freezing or you're in trouble)
1/2 cup frozen cubed mango  (I buy them on sale by the case and freeze my own)
1 cup well chilled Almond Breeze
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (I like Sisu brand)
1 Tbsp. natural bran (optional)

Wizz in your blender until thick and creamy. 

Yeild:   1 Serving
Points:  5

Note:  If it's not thick enough, add more frozen mango or banana until it is the consistancy you like.


Friday, May 7, 2010

"Almost Ice Cream" Chocolate Protein Shake

I've been experimenting with my blender again.  I said earlier that I thought If I used choclate protein powder I could create a 2.5 healthy mock Blizzard.  It didn't work!  I had overlooked the "freeze" factor and all I got was a thinish protein drink.  Remember, the in the blueberry "Blizzard" protein shake I had added 3/4 frozen blueberries.......the freeze factor.  There wasn't any frozen berries going into the chocolate "Blizzard" shake so all I could think of was some ice.  Bad idea!  All that accomplished was to water down what would have whipped into a nice thick protein drink.

This thought has been brewing in the back of my mind for a couple of days and today I pulled out the blender, chocolate protein powder and...........the freeze factor.  (Yesterday I poured about a cup of Almond milk into ice cube trays and froze it!)  Ah ha!  I think I've got it!

Of course your blender won't work if all you put in it are chunks of  frozen Almond Breeze, so I started with 1/2 cup cold Almond Breeze and topped it up with the "freeze factor" until the liquid reached around a cup.  Actually it was all stacked up so I really don't know what the heck that measurement was.  Oh well, this is just an experiment after all.  On top of that I added one scoop of chocolate protein powder and a couple of teaspoons of natural bran.........can't forget the fiber........remember he helps with the thickening and acts as a scrubbing brush in  our intestines.  Enough said about fiber.

WHIZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz went the blender and I discovered I had too much "freeze factor" in the carafe and everything just got hung up above the blades so I added a drizzle more almond milk to get things going again.  Away it went again and what I'd intended to be a mock chocolate "Blizzard" ended up looking more like ice cream!!!  OMG, this is fantastic, I thought but it really wasn't all that great after all.  It was too icy to be ice cream and not creamy enough to be a "Blizzard".  What I got I think, is a chocolate slushy.  Oh well, back to the drawing board...............

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